“I had pizza this week which is something that I haven't eaten in a long time, and it didn't end up leading to a binge. I actually have no guilt about it whatsoever. “
"Since doing your empowered eating short course, a few weeks ago, I haven't 'denied' myself any foods. It's been enlightening, and my weight hasn't yo-yo'd"
Sarah Weaver
The overriding success for me has been an easing of the guilt I have always felt around food and the removal of the scales. I haven’t weighed myself in nearly three months and it has been a weight off my shoulders.
Kay G.
My biggest ah-ha moment was finding out my ‘why… Why I eat when stressed or board and pausing to actually deal with emotions rather than just eating them.
I loved how this course took away the guilt and made me aware of the messages of society that we all need to be skinny. It is ok to be ok with your body type.
This course empowers YOU so what you learn is meaningful for you and to get away from the constant jumping from one unsuccessful diet to the next. Truly recommend this course.
Michelle S
This programme has changed my life. It has given me the tools to break free from the vicious cycle of dieting and finally make peace with food and my body.
Every module brought with itself a revelation.
Michelle is so knowledgeable… I always felt she had my back.
Nadia A
I feel like I'm in control and capable. Plus the feeling of not feeling guilty...is ammmaaazzzziinnggg!
Very happy about eating with intention and not feeling guilty about my choices ONCE since we started this journey. And that is FREEDOM to me. I love it.Anonymous
Module 6 about triggers has been super useful, it's given me the chance to slow down, check in and observe without judgment. I hope you realize the work your doing is wonderful. Thank you so much
As you say, this is just the beginning of the rest of our lives and it is so exciting to know I can dedicate A LOT of time (time that previously was dedicated to thinking about food and guilt, etc) to other things now- I can focus on my health, on moving, on nourishing every aspect of my being because I AM WORTH IT.
Thank you Michelle, this course has been amazing and life-changing. While I still have work to do, I feel like I have been empowered and inspired to treat and see my body differently.Anonymous